Audios / Videos

Dhātukathā, Discourse on Elements - Bhikkhu Atulañāṇa (2023)
Paṭṭhāna, Kusalattika: Paccanīyuddhāra - Bhikkhu Atulañāṇa (2023)

Bhikkhu Bodhi
Abhidhamma Study Retreats - Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi
From the Nikāyas to the Abhidhamma. What's going on in the Abhidhamma? - Bhikkhu Bodhi
The Theravāda Abhidhamma - Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi

Abhidhamma Teachings - Bhante Dhammadīpa (Germany 2008)

Introducing Abhidhamma - Ven. Prof. Dr. Khammai Dhammasāmi (SSBU, 2020)

Abhidhamma course - Ashin Janakābhivaṃsa (PAMC, 2016 - 2018)
Paṭṭhāna lectures - Ashin Janakābhivaṃsa (PAMC, 2017 - 2018)

Visuddhimagga class by Sayadaw Kusalasāmi (English with Vietnamese translation)
The benefits of meditation - Sayadaw Kusalasāmi
Abhidhammattha Sangaha (I) - Sayadaw Kusalasāmi
Abhidhammattha Sangaha (II) - Sayadaw Kusalasāmi

Abhidhamma in daily life - Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa (Myanmar 2003)
Anusaya-Yamaka - Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa
Applied Abhidhamma - Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa (IIA)
Diṭṭhikathā - Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa (DVC, 2017)
Fundamental Abhidhamma (Malaysia 2008) - Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa
Fundamental Abhidhamma (Malaysia) - Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa
Khandha-Yamaka - Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa
Paṭṭhāna Abhidhamma (Malaysia) - Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa
Paṭṭhāna: Kusalattika, Pañhāvāra - Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa
Paṭṭhāna-Chantings - Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa
Sacca-Yamaka - Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa
Visuddhimagga17 - Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa

Rahula + Caranapali
Anatomy of the mind - Abhidhamma

Richard Jones
1. Abhidhamma: The process of cognition. Richard Jones, London Buddhist Vihara (2017)
2. Classifying citta.The classes of consciousness. Richard Jones, London Buddhist Vihara (2017)
3a. The sense sphere plane. Richard Jones, London Buddhist Vihara (2017)
3b. The ten fetters. Richard Jones, London Buddhist Vihara (2017)
3c. The 89 kinds of citta (consciousness). Richard Jones, London Buddhist Vihara (2017)
4. CITTA - Review & Analysis. Richard Jones, London Buddhist Vihara (2017)
Answers to various Abhidhamma questions. Richard Jones, London Buddhist Vihara (2017)
What is Abhidhamma? Richard Jones, The Buddhist Society ( 2017)

Beginner Course in Theravāda Abhidhamma - Rev. Siddhatthālankāra (2023)

Abhidhamma course by Sayadaw U Sīlānanda
Abhidhammattha Sangaha (Sayadaw U Sīlānanda)
An Introduction to the Abhidhamma (Sayadaw U Sīlānanda)

Abhidhamma introduction - Sayadaw Sugatavaṃsa (PAMC, 2018 - 2019)
Paṭṭhāna class - Sayadaw Sugatavaṃsa (PATVDH Indonesia, 2021)

Abhidhamma lectures - Bhante Sujiva (Italy, Germany...)
Dhamatalks - Bhante Sujiva (Italy, 2018)

Abhidhammattha Sangaha Lectures: Citta - Sayadaw U Thittila

Dhammasaṅgaṇī - Dr. Thushini Goonewardene (2024)

Dhātukathā, Discourse on Elements - Bhikkhu Atulañāṇa (2023):
Video recordings of the class 2023 - 2024 (English, with translation into Chinese):
  1. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (1) Introduction Uddesa-Part 01
  2. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (2) Uddesa-Part 02 & 1st Method, Part 01
  3. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (3) Niddesa 1st Method, Part 02
  4. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (4) Niddesa 2nd Method, Part 01
  5. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (5) 2nd Method, Part 02
  6. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (6) 2nd Method, Part 03
  7. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (7) 3nd Method, Part 01
  8. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (8) 3nd Method, Part 02
  9. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (9) 3nd Method, Part 03
  10. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (10) 4th Method, Part 01
  11. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (11) 4th Method, Part 02
  12. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (12) 5th Method, Part 01
  13. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (13) 5th Method, Part 02
  14. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (14) 6th Method, Part 01
  15. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (15) 6th Method, Part 02
  16. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (16) 6th Method, Part 03
  17. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (17) 6th Method, Part 04
  18. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (18) 6th Method, Part 05
  19. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (19) 6th Method, Part 06
  20. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (20) 6th Method, Part 07
  21. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (21) 6th Method, Part 08
  22. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (22) 6th Method, Part 09
  23. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (23) 6th Method, Part 10 + 7th Method, Part 01
  24. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (24) 7th Method, Part 02 + 8th Method
  25. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (25) 14th Method + 9th Method, Part 01
  26. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (26) 9th Method, Part 02
  27. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (27) 12th Method
  28. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (28) 10th Method, Part 01
  29. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (29) 10th Method, Part 02
  30. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (30) 10th Method, Part 03 + 11th Method, Part 01
  31. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (31) 11th Method, Part 02 + 13th Method
  32. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (32) Summary 01 - (Method 01-05) by Brother JJ Thong
  33. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (33) Summary 02 - (Method 06-07) by Brother JJ Thong
  34. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (34) Summary 03 - (Method 08-14) by Brother JJ Thong
  35. Youtube Dhātukathā lesson (35) Summary 04 - by Brother JJ Thong (end of the Dhātukathā class).

Paṭṭhāna, Kusalattika: Paccanīyuddhāra - Bhikkhu Atulañāṇa (2023):
Kusalattika Paṭṭhāna - Application of Paccanīyuddhāra in Paccanīya

In Pañhāvāra, after the Anuloma-Sankhyāvāra and before the Paccanīyavāra (negative), the small chapter Paccanīyuddhāra is inserted. It gives 15 answers for selecting the negative conditions in the following chapters.
Documents and charts, which Bhante used for explanation: Paṭṭhāna, Paccanīyuddhāra study material in the menu "Texts"

First class (01-2023): Youtube Paccanīyuddhāra class (1)
Second class (03-2023): Youtube Paccanīyuddhāra class (2)
Third / last class (04-2023): Youtube Paccanīyuddhāra class (3)

Remarks by Bhante:
1. The reason for why a missaka-paccaya comes in the Pāḷi. Addition of Mūla-Paṭṭhāna Sayadaw's answer:
2. The total number of paccayas related to missaka-paccayas:
Abhidhamma Study Retreats - Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi:
(2013) Chapters 1 + 2 of the Abhidhammattha Saṅgaha
The Buddhist analysis of mind

(2014) Chapters 3 – 6 of the Abhidhammattha Saṅgaha

(2015) Chapters 7 + 8 of the Abhidhammattha Saṅgaha

(2016) Chapter 9 of the Abhidhammattha Saṅgaha
This retreat, based on the final chapter of the Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma, will examine, “The Compendium of Meditation Subjects.” This chapter offers a condensed treatment of the path of meditation explained in detail in the Visuddhimagga, the monumental “Path of Purification.” The retreat will explore the paths of concentration and insight, the two “wings” of meditation in Early Buddhism, covering the 40 subjects of tranquility meditation, the subjects of insight meditation, and the stages in the unfolding of insight-wisdom ...

(2017) Chapter 14 of the Visuddhimagga,
which deals with the five aggregates, the primary scheme into which the Buddha classifies bodily and mental phenomena.

(2018) Chapters … of the Visuddhimagga ??? (Link on fails)

Abhidhamma Retreats 2013 – 2016, 71 videos
From the Nikāyas to the Abhidhamma. What's going on in the Abhidhamma? - Bhikkhu Bodhi:
Spirit Rock Meditation Center: Dedicated Practitioners Program 4 (2012)
Lectures by Bhikkhu Bodhi:
From the Nikāyas to the Abhidhamma
Part 1
Part 2
What’s Going on in the Abhidhamma?
Part 3
Part 4
The Theravāda Abhidhamma - Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi:
An early Buddhist Philosophy of Mind.
Dharma Realm Buddhist University, 10 lectures (2018)
Abhidhamma Teachings - Bhante Dhammadīpa (Germany 2008):
Abhidhamma Teachings, 22 parts, by Bhanta Dhammadīpa (among other audios), Sept. 2008 in Pagoda Phat Hue, Germany:
Introducing Abhidhamma - Ven. Prof. Dr. Khammai Dhammasāmi (SSBU, 2020):
6 lessons by Ven. Prof. Dr. Khammai Dhammasāmi (Oxford Sayadaw)
at Shan State Buddhist University, Myanmar, 2020:
youtube playlist Introducing Abhidhamma

(1) Two Types of Truth, Conventional and Ultimate
(2) Studying the Mind Through the Cetasika (Mental Fectors/ Mental Activities)
(3) How the Abhidhamma analyses the Three Roots of Negative Emotion, greed, hatred and delusion (further study of the mind through the cetasikas)
(4) Mindfulness, Wisdom and Compassion in the Wholesome Cetasikas
(5) Consciousness (citta): Ist Bases and Classifications
(6) Abhidhamma Analysis of Matter (rūpa)
Abhidhamma course - Ashin Janakābhivaṃsa (PAMC, 2016 - 2018):
Abhidhamma course in English by Venerable Janakābhivaṃsa (Pa-Auk Meditation Centre, Singapore):
Videos and course notes:

(1) Consciousness (Citta): course citta (5 lessons)
(2) Mental factors (Cetasika): course cetasika (3 lessons)
(3) Materiality (Rūpa), Process (Vīthi), Miscellaneous (Pakiṇṇaka), Nibbāna: course rūpa etc. (8 lessons)
(4) Compendium of the Process-Freed: course process-freed (4 lessons)
(5) Conditional Relationships (Paṭṭhāna): course conditional relationships (16 lessons)
Paṭṭhāna lectures - Ashin Janakābhivaṃsa (PAMC, 2017 - 2018):
Series of lectures on Paṭṭhāna, Paccayaniddesa and group of paccayas
by Ashin Janakābhivaṃsa (Pa-Auk Meditation Centre Singapore):
Youtube playlist: youtube playlist
Complete playlist with the course notes:
Abhidhammattha Sangaha (I) - Sayadaw Kusalasāmi:
Abhidhamma class "Consciousness (citta), mental factors (cetasika), and miscellaneous (pakiṇṇaka)"
All video recordings:, playlist "Abhidhammattha Sangaha course by Sayadaw Kusalasami";
direct link to the playlist:
(the videos of this second part of his Abhidhamma course are from number 01 to 28;
number 03 is missing due to a technical error - sorry)

The videos of the classes also can be viewed on Ven. Kusalasami's youtube channel:
Abhidhammattha Sangaha (II) - Sayadaw Kusalasāmi:
Abhidhamma class "Cognitive process (vīthi), process-freed (vīthimutta), and matter (rūpa)"
All video recordings:, playlist "Abhidhammattha Sangaha course by Sayadaw Kusalasami";
direct link to the playlist:
(the videos of this second part of his Abhidhamma course start from number 29)
Abhidhamma in daily life - Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa (Myanmar 2003):
Abhidhamma in daily life - 31 lectures by Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa in Sitagu International Buddhist Academy, Sagaing, Myanmar, Jan, 2003 to Sitagu German Buddhist Study group:
Anusaya-Yamaka - Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa:
Teachings of Yamaka (Book on Pairs), chapter Anusaya-Yamaka (Pairs on latencies) by Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa, Myanmar, CBS, 2010:
Applied Abhidhamma - Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa (IIA):
Video from lectures by Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa at International Abhidhamma Institute in Yangon, Myanmar:
Diṭṭhikathā - Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa (DVC, 2017):
DIṬṬHIKATHĀ from Paṭisambhidāmagga + Pāḷi grammar
Videos from Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa's course in November 2017 at Dhamma Vinaya Centre in Hlegu near Yangon, Myanmar:
Diṭṭhikathā course
Pāḷi grammar course
Fundamental Abhidhamma (Malaysia 2008) - Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa:
Teachings on Fundamental Abhidhamma by Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa in Malaysia, Kuala Kubu Baru, Oct. 2008:
Fundamental Abhidhamma (Malaysia) - Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa:
Fundamental Abhidhamma - various teachings by Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa in KKB, Malaysia 2007:
Khandha-Yamaka - Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa:
Teachings of Yamaka (Book on Pairs), chapter Khandha-Yamaka (Pairs on aggregate) by Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa, Malaysia 2008:
Paṭṭhāna Abhidhamma (Malaysia) - Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa:
Paṭṭhāna-teachings by Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa in Malaysia:
Paṭṭhāna: Kusalattika, Pañhāvāra - Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa:
Paṭṭhāna teachings by Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa in Institute of Dhamma Education (IDE), Myanmar, Feb. 2015:
Kusalattika, Pañhāvāro, Vibhaṅgavāro
Video part 1: Pañhāvāra_1
Video part 2: Pañhāvāra_2
Audio: Paṭisambhidāmagga, Yuganaddhakathā + Paṭṭhāna, Pañhāvāra: Psm + Pañhāvāra
Paṭṭhāna-Chantings - Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa:
Chantings of Paccayuddesa and Paccayaniddesa in Pāli by Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa (Malaysia 2007/2008)

The audios, Pāli-texts and English translations can be found on the website
The chantings-texts with translation into English: Paṭṭhāna-Paccayaniddesa

Chantings (mp3):
Paṭṭhāna (Paccayuddesa)
01 Hetu paccayo
02 Ārammaṇa paccayo
03 Adhipati paccayo
04 Anantara paccayo
05 Samanantara paccayo
06 Sahajāta paccayo
07 Aññamañña paccayo
08 Nissaya paccayo
09 Upanissaya paccayo
10 Purejāta paccayo
11 Pacchājāta paccayo
12 Āsevana paccayo
13 Kamma paccayo
14 Vipāka paccayo
15 Āhāra paccayo
16 Indriya paccayo
17 Jhāna paccayo
18 Magga paccayo
19 Sampayutta paccayo
20 Vippayutta paccayo
21 Atthi paccayo
22 Natthi paccayo
23 Vigata paccayo
24 Avigata paccayo
Sacca-Yamaka - Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa:
Teachings on Yamaka (The book on pairs): Chapter Sacca-Yamaka (Pairs on truth) by Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa
Audio-recordings from his course in November 2008 in CBS, Sagaing:
Visuddhimagga17 - Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa:
An analytical study of Paṭicca Samuppāda through the method of Paṭṭhāna.
Teachings of Visuddhimagga, chapter 17, by Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa, Myanmar, CBS, 2011:
Anatomy of the mind - Abhidhamma:
Set of 93 Abhidhamma lectures covering all of Abhidhammattha sangaha,
given by Bhante Rahula and Caranapāli (Mexico)
Youtube channel:
1. Abhidhamma: The process of cognition. Richard Jones, London Buddhist Vihara (2017):
Dhamma talk: youtube video (1)

"René Descartes famously pronounced " I think therefore I am" but the Abhidhamma doesn’t go along with that. There is no thinker behind the thoughts; no controller in charge. All there are is psychic processes arising and falling with great rapidity." Richard Jones. London Buddhist Vihara.

The Abhidhamma presents a system of Buddhist Psychology and Philosophy at in an intensely detailed analysis of the process of thinking (cognition) and ultimately of being.

In this talk, Richard Jones starts his deep dive into the 'process of cognition' with an example of the kind of analysis that can be conducted with the Abhidhamma.

Concepts introduced in this video are:
BHAVANGA - Life Continuum which flows like a river from conception to death.
FIVE NIYAMAS - the five explanations of the way things are:
1. Utu Niyama - pertains to the inorganic order
2. Bija Niyama - the functioning of the organic world
3. Kamma Niyama - Law of cause and effect
4. Dhamma Niyama - Certain doctrines like 'No Self.'
5. Citta Niyama - How the mind works according to certain principles
2. Classifying citta.The classes of consciousness. Richard Jones, London Buddhist Vihara (2017):
Dhamma talk: youtube video (2)

There are different ways of classifying Citta (types of consciousness): by ethical nature; by strength and by the plane of existence.
3a. The sense sphere plane. Richard Jones, London Buddhist Vihara (2017):
Dhamma talk: youtube video (3a)

Richard Jones continues his deep dive into the Abhidhamma with a look at the planes in which the Citta (consciousness) can arise.
3b. The ten fetters. Richard Jones, London Buddhist Vihara (2017):
Dhamma talk: youtube video (3b)

Fetters means something that holds us back. They hold back our progress towards the attainment of Nibbana (enlightenment).
3c. The 89 kinds of citta (consciousness). Richard Jones, London Buddhist Vihara (2017):
Dhamma talk: youtube video (3c)

Richard Jones guides the dhamma class through the system of classification of Cittas (Consciousness) into 89 different kinds, according to ist most prominent root.
4. CITTA - Review & Analysis. Richard Jones, London Buddhist Vihara (2017):
Dhamma talk: youtube video (4)

Richard Jones' review and analysis of the recent lessons on the Citta (types of conscious) and their multi-levelled classifications.
Answers to various Abhidhamma questions. Richard Jones, London Buddhist Vihara (2017):
a) An Introduction to Abhidhamma: youtube video, a)

b) What exactly is Abhiddhamma? youtube video, b)
'Abhi' means higher, supplementary, or special dhamma. Not to say that the teaching we find in the suttas is inferior in anyway, but the Abhidhamma goes into microscopic detail. "The Buddha has analysed a singe conscious moment of experience into it's constituent parts"

c) Defining Dukkha (suffering): youtube video, c)
Richard Jones takes a moment in his Abhidhamma talk to clarify the definition of 'dukkha':
Du = difficult
Kha = to endure
So whatever is difficult to endure is dukkha. It is both a very subtle and widespread condition. The Buddha said, "I teach only dukkha and the ending of dukkha"

d) Abhidhamma - Analysis & Synthesis of Mind & Matter: youtube video, d)
The Abhidhamma is not something completely different to what is found in the suttas but it looks at things in far greater detail than is found in the suttas. It is an intense, microscopic analysis of states of mind and body; and also a synthesis showing how everything is interconnected

e) Ultimate Truth of Abhidhamma refutes Eternalism & Annihilationism: youtube video, e)
Buddha taught suttas at the level of conventional truth, but the Abhidhamma is taught at the level of Ultimate Truth. This Ultimate Truth is both an analysis and a synthesis of reality which refutes both Eternalist and Annihilationist views of reality in ist breakdown of Conventional truth into ist constituent parts.

Defining Planes and Realms (as featured in the Abhidhamma): youtube video
Richard Jones answers a student query about the difference between a plane and a realm.
What is Abhidhamma? Richard Jones, The Buddhist Society ( 2017):
Dhamma talk: youtube video

The teachings of the Buddha were codified by his followers into three baskets or 'pitakas'. The Abhidhamma Pitaka consists of a minute analysis of mind and matter into their ultimate elements. This gives insight into the teachings of impermanence and no-self (anicca and anatta). By giving an ethical basis to mental states, it shows how suffering (dukkha) arises and how it can be brought to an end.

Dhamma talk at The Buddhist Society, London, 15 March 2017
Beginner Course in Theravāda Abhidhamma - Rev. Siddhatthālankāra (2023):
Video recordings of the lessons: Youtube Playlist
Abhidhamma course by Sayadaw U Sīlānanda:
Sayadaw U Sīlānanda's Abhidhamma course (see ebooks "Handbook of Abhidhamma Studies, I - III)
Abhidhamma course
Abhidhammattha Sangaha (Sayadaw U Sīlānanda):
Teachings on Abhidhammattha Sangaha (A comprehensive manual of Abhidhamma) by Sayadaw U Sīlānanda
An Introduction to the Abhidhamma (Sayadaw U Sīlānanda):
Audio of an introductury talk with the English transcription by Sayadaw U Sīlānanda given at Zen Center, San Francisco:
youtube link
Abhidhamma introduction - Sayadaw Sugatavaṃsa (PAMC, 2018 - 2019):
Introduction to Abhidhamma in English
by Venerable Sugatavaṃsa (Pa-Auk Meditation Centre Singapore, 2018 - 2019):
7 courses (parts) with several loessons each
For videos and notes see:
Abhidhamma Introduction Sugatavaṃsa
Paṭṭhāna class - Sayadaw Sugatavaṃsa (PATVDH Indonesia, 2021):
English lectures with translation into Indonesian
Paṭṭhāna class, Sugatavaṃsa (playlist) (31 parts)
Abhidhamma lectures - Bhante Sujiva (Italy, Germany...):
Some practical Abhidhamma lectures by Bhante Sujiva:

  • Audios mp3:
  • Videos: - Italy 2011, 2012
  • Abhidhamma-lectures during retreats in Italy 2006 and 2007: (registration necessary to view and download)
  • Abhidhamma course I:

  • Dhamatalks - Bhante Sujiva (Italy, 2018):
    Dhammatalks by Bhante Sujiva in English (with translation into Italian) during his retreat 2018 in Pian die Ciliegi
    20 talks on Vipassana and Satipatthana practice with reference to and background of Abhidhamma:
    youtube videos
    Abhidhammattha Sangaha Lectures: Citta - Sayadaw U Thittila:
    Lectures Abhidhammattha Samgaha by Sayadaw U Thittila (U Setthila) - (mp3):
    Chapter 1: Citta
    Talk 1, part 1         part 2
    Talk 2, part 1         part 2
    Talk 3, part 1         part 2
    Talk 4, part 1         part 2
    Talk 5, part 1         part 2
    Talk 6, part 1         part 2
    Talk 7, part 1         part 2
    Talk 8, part 1         part 2
    Talk 9, part 1         part 2

    Dhammasaṅgaṇī - Dr. Thushini Goonewardene (2024):
    Playlists with the video recordings of the Dhammasaṅgaṇī class (start 03/2024):
    Dhammasaṅgaṇī lectures in English with Chinese translation
    Dhammasaṅgaṇī lectures in English only

    Link to the respective presentations: Dhammasaṅgaṇī Presentations